A pleasant afternoon to you, my friends. May I introduce myself? My name is Henry Morgan - Sir Henry Morgan and I was the Admiral and Governor of Jamaica. You see, my family all held official positions of power in Jamaica and my uncle Edward was governor. So when uncle Edward needed an able bodied man to admiral of Jamaica’s fleet he naturally chose me. At the very same time my good friends the local pirates elected me to become the successor to Edward Mansfield and leader of all pirate activities in Jamaica. As an English officer and pirate general I quickly became the terror of all Spaniards in the West Indies.
I wasn’t afraid of the open water and some of my most successful pirate attacks on seaside settlements were in Cuba, Nicaragua and Mexico. I didn’t neglect your fair state of New Jersey, though. You might have noticed a section of Sayerville that’s called “Morgan”. Yes, that’s name after me - well, after my famous descendants.
My downfall came in Panama, where I was captured by Spain and returned, as Spain was afraid of me, to Britain for trial. Good King Charles II recognized my great talent so instead of hanging me, he had me knighted and sent me back to Jamaica as governor of the island. My mission? To rid the waters of buccaneers and pirates. To no one’s surprise, I was largely successful in that task and lived a long and happy life in Jamaica.
There are rumors that I buried some of my vast treasure in New Jersey. Are they true? I’d never tell you, my friends. I may be dead but I’m far from stupid. I bid you a fond good day from Sir Henry Morgan, Admiral, King and Pirate.