GOG's Beltane, held in Metuchen, NJ, started with a daytime ritual and altar to Helios, progressed to a twilight ritual honoring Helios and Hecate (with Janus as able gatekeeper), and ended with a nighttime ritual and altar to Hecate. 33 attended the day-night ritual, choosing sides for day or night for the rite (or hanging in the middle). Norma represented Hecate and the joys of the night. Lady Sue represented Helios and the pleasures of the day. They cajoled people to take one side or the other. There were good-natured catcalls back and forth. Both deities enjoyed this immensely.
Peg led us in belly dancing, Norma in drumming, Ed made a labyrinth on Trish and Bob's front lawn, we made flower wreaths, danced the maypole, ran our hobby horse and rag man around, and ate lots of excellent mayfaire food. Many thanks to Trish and Bob and Bella for hosting and barbecue grilling and all-around hospitality.
Check out the golden apples of the sun (honest, they're red apples!) and Hecate's torch (honest, it's a birdbath!).

(Photos Marc and Ed)


Hymn to Hecate

Hymns to Helios