Beltane Dawn in Princeton - 2008

This was GOG's 10th year performing at dawn with Millstone River Morris, Handsome Molly, and Stony Brook Morris, and this was one of our best years. Our singing was wonderful, and dancing the Hobby Horse was powerful and lively! We were really fantastic, and garnered many compliments! Much thanks to all who attended. We had 20 GOG folks out on May Morning, along with around 70 spectators. 11 participated in the overnight vigil. 14 ate breakfast with GOG at the Star Diner. If you missed this one, you missed one of our best. It was a beautiful morning. Look at the photos of the sun coming up through the trees.
(Thank you Marc, for the photos!)

We were up long before the day-oh... welcome in the Summer,
to welcome in the May-oh...
...for Summer is a'comin' in...
...and Winter's gone away-oh!
More Photos! Hobby Horse Ritual! GOG Singers! Maypole! More People! Diner! Click here!